Destiny of a nation is shaped in its classrooms

"India has ushered into a time of Amrit Kaal". On 75th Independence day 2022, our honourable Prime Minister gave a speech from ramparts of Red Fort. Stating coming 25 years for India are going to be vital for Vision 2047. When India will celebrate its 100 years of Independence from the British. Letting go off that colonial mindset.

Similar, was the dream of our Bharata Ratna awardee and former President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. He wanted to acheive India 2020 of his dreams. Also the book 'Wings of Fire' authored by him underlines the same. He said nations destiny is shaped by the people and people are shaped in its classroom. Hence, destiny of a nation is shaped in its classroom. With this idea we further delve deep into this topic.

It is said that destiny favours the brave. But what does destiny mean? Is it totally based on the luck? No. Destiny can be changed by the people. Often said, 'your fate is in your hand'. Do you think that is case for the nations too? Was India destined to win the cricket world cup 2011 or did Indian players and captaincy showcased unmatched mental strength and character. However, the destiny was definitely an outcome of their strong foundation during their training sessions (classrooms).

Nations which are sitting on weak principle do falter. One such is Afghanistan's take over by Taliban. Was their destiny doomed already? Yes. Their mindset of curtailing women rights- no women can go outside without a man accompanying her. Disregarding girls right to study and many more human rights violation. This could hardly be termed as a 'Nation'. Nation is a geographical place where 'constitutionalism' is in action. Powers of government are limited by the constitution. Again, constitution, which indeed is a direct outcome of debate, discussion in Constituent assemblies (classrooms).

Does these classrooms automatically shapes nations destiny? No. Because if people are blindly following instructions, it could lead to chaos. One such was Nazi Germany during WW2. This was 'shaped' by well trained mind. It is the 'well formed mind' instead of well trained mind which is crucial for nations destiny. If this was the case we would not have seen such dictatorships, which lead to crumbling of that nation.

However, classrooms are not traditionally four walled room. It is all encompassing definition. It covers holistically areas that surround us. Even composed of the people we engage with. It included all physical and meta-physical learning grounds. In todays world even internet is a classroom. Because it shapes minds of the people. So, classroom is everything where we are keen to learn from birth to death.

From the time of Vedic period to modern day, classrooms have indeed shaped the nations destiny. During Mauryan period 'Arthashashtra' by Chanakya shaped Chandragupta Maurya's mind. Inturn this shaped their dynasty (nation). Gupta was also one such age. Referred to it as 'Golden Age'. World renowned universaties such as Nalanda were instituted. Here students from foreign used to come to study, eg. T-sing. In India took place the invention of zero, trigonometry, etc. during the same period. This classroom of scientific quest built the destiny of India in the world.

But in contemporary world this has reversed. There are Harvard and Stanford universities, which took place of Nalanda and Taxilla. And in India where this all took place- Bihar, is in ruins today. It has the worst literacy rate in India. It has high crime rate, unemployment , violence, population, etc. Where did all go wrong? One of its answer lies in the learning sphere of the residence. They lost their glorious past and are now working as labourers by migrating to other states.

The above example definitely answers why the destiny of a nation is shaped in its classrooms. Because human resource is not alone sufficient to progress. It needs to be worked upon to convert it into human capital. This goes on to create a tangible work for the nation. Kerala is quite contrast to Bihar. It has highest literacy rate. Reduced MMR, maternal mortality rate, highly skilled labour. Which contributes to nation building. Highlights the importance of classroom (learning ground) for shaping India's destiny.

This inculcation starts right from family. A child learns more from their parents behaviour than their words alone. If a family is gender biased, the same will be reflected in the childs behaviour. Haryana families are often associated with patriarchal nature. The decision making is controlled by mostly elderly males. This has also cropped up the issue of khap panchayat in the state. Quite evident how even a family unit (classroom) can shape the destiny of a Haryana/ state (nation).

The second social institution that child goes is school. Teachers are regarded as role model for children. Our 2nd President Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishna's birth day is celebrated as National teachers day. He stated that teachers are the most crucial in framing minds of children. What they teach, how they teach, what values they impart, are all imbibed by students. This happens directly because childrens tend to learn by observing.

Even our mythology heavily underlines the same. Pandavas and Kauravas had the same Guru- Dronacharya. But the moral compass were poles opposite. Eventually leading to immoral methods by Kauravas to win over Hastinapur. Droupadi's vastra-haran (clothes grabbing) was shamefully watched by the members of the sabha. Teachers role can't be emphasized enough. This retraces that classrooms are moulding field for nations destiny.

After analysing its importance how can we improve our classrooms for better future. So that our nations destiny does not cripple. We can learn from best practices. Japan is one such incredible example. Their children are taught right from young age the value of self reliance, community service, moral values, etc. This is visible in their capabilities to do house chores, disaster resilience, abiding to stand in one single line, respectively. These are simple yet effective for nations destiny.

It is these ethical values which are when eroded could play havoc with the nations destiny. Corruption, moral turpitude, etc are spineless activities by people with weak moral compass. They later engage in activities such as 2G spectrum scam, fodder scam, Snowdean revealation, etc. Even recently there are inumerable countries facing crises- Myanmar with military coup, Venezuela with economic crisis, Pakistan with terrorist acitivities. These actions of the countries are a result of already sown seed in their classrooms. It is just the delayed effect which is seen now.

Here we also need to understand that mere education is not sufficient alone. Because both means and ends are vital. Today we see many civil servants are drugged in the fame game. They are becoming socail media influencers. They are part time youtubers, vloggers now. Anonymity which was one such foundational value has gone for a toss. Eventaully leading to weakening character, such as IAS Singhal from Jharkhand. Caught by ED with huge black money.

This was definitely not envisioned by our nations founding fathers. They wanted to instill among us a sense of responsibility towards nation building. Showcasing high valour like Vikram Batra when needed. Strong foundations are indeed necessary for any nation. And this could built a beautiful destiny for the nation only when well-formed minds are shaped in the classrooms. Only then our honourable PM Amrit Kaal dream will be truly fulfilled.

(a misfit)


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